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Focus Areas

1.0 Water Treatment

Water treatment is essential for ensuring that water is suitable for industries and individuals. The process is designed to remove the contaminants in the water to make it safer for use. Optimum use of water covers both the conservation and the efficiency. At JRDC we provide reliable, robust and sustainable technology for water treatment and design and ensure refined technology, economic viability and environmentally sound engineering solutions to create custom-tailored solutions to match each and every individual’s needs and requirements.

  • Provide Reliable, Robust and Sustainable technology for water treatment,
  • Design and ensure refined technology, economic viability and environmentally sound engineering solutions,
    Create custom-tailored solutions to match the individual’s requirements.


JRDC will assist and provide you Process design, preparation of BoQs, Cost estimation, CAD drawing (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical)


JRDC will provide high-end equipment, laboratory and research facilities to track down and water-related issues to pinpoint problem areas and the potential factors that cause such issues.


JRDC facilities and optimize water treatment-related works through research and by our experienced team

2.0 Industrial/Non-industrial Wastewater Treatment

The assumption that all wastewater ends in sewage treatment plants (STP) is faulty as in our national boundary, almost more than 100,000 cubic meters of untreated sewage are discharged into the ocean through two pipes that extend about 1.5 kilometers into the sea. While industrial wastewater contains pollutants at levels that may affect receiving waters or interfere with publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) that receive those discharges. JRDC aims to solve and overcome these challenges as we provide Reliable, Robust and Sustainable technology for wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse. We also design and ensure refined technology, economic viability and environmentally sound engineering solutions. We tailor our solutions according to our customers’ requirements and needs and making sure to abide by our governments standards.


JRDC will Provide SBR, MBR and other related wastewater treatment system design and consultancy to meet environmental regulations.


JRDC technology team is fully dedicated to narrow down the water quality and process issues related to your wastewater treatment.


JRDC facilities and optimize wastewater treatment-related works through research and by our experienced team

3.0 Groundwater Exploration

– Hydro-Geological Investigation
– Remote Sensing and GIS Studies for groundwater.
– Bore Well Construction and Design
– Groundwater and Salinity Management and Assessment
• Resistivity survey
• Yield testing
• Troubleshooting

4.0 Rainwater Harvesting

• Technology Adaptation
• Design
• Troubleshooting


5.0 Conducting EIA and associated services

– Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
– Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
– Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
– Environmental Statement reviews
– Stakeholder and Public Consultation
– EIA screening and scoping
– Environmental risk assessment

6.0 Water Safety Plan

– Urban WSP
– Rural WSP
– Climate-resilient WSP
– Auditing

  • Training
  • Implementation
  • Auditing

7.0 Laboratory development

  • Instrument Maintenance
  • Planning and Design
  • Troubleshooting
  • Method Developments


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