Pilot Area
Pilot Area 60 minutes
The North wing of the JRDC is entirely dedicated as a pilot area for technology development-related activities. Pilot testing is crucial as it provides an opportunity to test and implement a new process on a smaller scale, this is for the purpose of addressing any weaknesses or improvements.
The North wing of the JRDC is entirely dedicated as a pilot area for technology development-related activities. Pilot testing is crucial as it provides an opportunity to test and implement a new process on a smaller scale, this is for the purpose of addressing any weaknesses or improvements.
The researchers or students can execute and conduct their projects on developing, building, and testing water treatment facilities, in these premises. This area can help researches identify and correct major gaps that occur in the water testing solutions and technology. It can help test the periods of hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and stimulate different conditions and its effects. Further aiding students and researchers’ to test out their innovative designs and methodology.
The pilot area includes facilities for the following purposes:
- Testing
- Technology Development
- Modeling and Prototype Development