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World Water Day Celebration-2024

In honor of “World Water Day 2024” with the theme of “Water for Peace”, the China-Sri Lanka Joint Research and Demonstration Centre (JRDC) for Water Technology, Peradeniya and Industrial Bureau (ISB), Kurunegala, jointly organized an awareness programme for bottled water manufacturers in Sri Lanka on March 15, 2024, at the JRDC auditorium. The focus of this awareness programme was on ensuring the sustainability of the bottled water industry in Sri Lanka for the next 50 years. Invitations to bottled water manufacturers were extended through the Food Control Administration Unit of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Bottled Water Manufacturers’ Association. The keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Atula Senaratne, a former Vice Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya. Additional presentations were given by Ms. Chandima Fernando from SLSI, Dr. V.T.S.K. Siriwardhane from MoH, Mr. Yasantha Karannagoda from ISB, and Eng. Chamila Rathnayake from the JRDC to educate the participants. Following the presentations, the participants had the opportunity to visit the laboratories at the JRDC and observe the high-tech instruments used for water quality analysis. The programme was successful, with the participants expressing a desire for similar events to be organized annually. The JRDC and ISB are working together to obtain approval from the MoH to provide water analysis reports required by bottled water manufacturers.

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